Do You Know These Amazing Features of Reddit? – Guide
Amazing Features of Reddit
A social media website is a network portal that allows people in virtual communities to communicate and exchange knowledge and ideas. Reddit met these requirements. Reddit is more akin to a website, where users are usually anonymous and aggregated content takes center stage. So, let’s check out some of the top features of Reddit that you don’t know.

What Is Reddit?
Reddit, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, is a popular social media website. It is essentially a platform that allows users to share social news aggregators, rate web content, and take part in other discussions. In addition, the application’s database now includes a Livestream function as well. Alexis Ohanian, Aaron Schwartz, and Steve Huffman, who were roomies at the University of Virginia, formed the company.
However, in 2011, the website was purchased by Advance Publications, the parent company. Reddit’s system enables users to post content such as photos, text, links, and videos. Other users then vote up or down on these entries. The posts are organized into groups or subreddits, which are user-created boards that cover a wide range of topics including politics, science, movies, news, breaking news, books, sports, health, cooking, entertainment, and so on.
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With more upvotes, their content rises to the top of their subreddit and finally to the front page of the web. The Reddit dark mode update is one of all those features offered by Reddit which every user is thirsting for these days. Let us look into some of the other features of Reddit in this article.
How Does Reddit Function?
Reddit bills itself as “the internet’s front page.” Reddit organizes social news through an almost overwhelming number of “subreddits.” Users create these, which are then filled with material. Reddit organizes social news through an almost overwhelming number of “subreddits.” User-generated content is the lifeblood of forums. Members of the community build subreddits for specific topics and establish forum rules.
Other users serve as administrators in the subreddit, enforcing the rules. Reddit’s own netiquette, dubbed “Reddiquette”) and page standards are also in place. Each subreddit also establishes its own set of rules for what types of contributions are permitted. Moderators will exclude repeat offenders from the community and delete comments that breach forum rules.
What Are Some Of The Features of Reddit?
Some of the top features of Reddit that you don’t know.
1. For Work Purpose, A “+” To Be Used To Increase Your Chances Of Browsing Reddit
Many businesses have blocked Reddit because they considered it being a productivity drain. However, you can get around the company’s filters by adding a + after the URL ( instead of just
2. Reddit Made To be Looked Like Some Sites Like Email Or A Spreadsheet
Clearly, Reddit features a distinct look, particularly in communities such as r/nosleep. However, several websites can disguise Reddit as anything from a Microsoft Word document to an email from Microsoft Outlook to even lines of code. Only make sure you use such programs at work, lest your Google boss catch you fully engrossed in your Outlook account.
3. To Quote Text Highlight It
To quote a line or two of text, you don’t have to type out the extra “>” character. Instead, highlight the text you want to quote before hitting respond, and it will automatically insert into the comment area.
4. Higher Ranked Algorithm Awards
According to ‘redditor ghost of tuckels’, a submission with ten upvotes is just as valuable as one with hundreds. In theory, you might send a connection and upvote it with ten or fifteen different accounts to increase its exposure, then sit back and wait for the karma to come in. But don’t go there. Mods will sort it out.
5. For Faster Browsing Use A “p”
Simply attach a “p” to the edge of the site name in the URL “ instead of”, if you don’t feel like tapping through) a community’s boundless sites. This will show you a slideshow of all the submissions.
Final Thoughts
Self-promotion, ads, URL shorteners, and everything else that makes it look like you’re using Reddit to sell anything would be quickly dismissed by Redditors. Reddit is a one-of-a-kind social media site. It places a higher value on society and commitment than on the person. It’s also where you’ll find out about new trends, memes, and viral sensations before the rest of the world does.
Author Bio:
Jais Frank is a freelance content writer and enthusiastic blogger. He is the co-founder of Essay Writing Guides. He contributes to many authority blogs, such as The Legal Guides and The Parents Magazine.