Digital Marketing Strategies Framework

Are you looking to explore your brand’s sales opportunities from Digital Marketing Strategies?

Is your agency, continuing with unproven and low ROI strategies?

Do you know about the latest and most effective digital marketing tactics to improve sales?

If you have been asking yourself any of the above questions, then you have landed on the right article. In this article, we will look to help brands and businesses with the top 5 tactical digital marketing strategies to explore in 2021.

We will also be looking at what is digital marketing and how it has become the fastest and most effective way to improve sales and revenues, reach out to target audiences, and improve branding.

digital marketing strategies framework
Follow-ups Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing Strategies: Meaning and Definition

Digital Marketing is the process of ensuring a digital presence for your brand on search engines like Google and social media platforms. Brand presence, highlighting products and services, helping people with problems and offering solutions are some of the main tenets of digital marketing.

With traditional channels of marketing experiencing a slow decline, digital marketing has assumed prominence as a major force. There are some major benefits of digital marketing over traditional or ATL marketing and advertising.

In terms of reaching out to potential consumers, improving branding, being affordable, and generating a substantial volume of sales and leads, digital marketing has become a force to be reckoned with.

Top 5 Tactical Digital Marketing Strategies

Rather than aggressively spending and going after consumers, why not let them come to you. Content Marketing helps in cultivating long-term engagement and association with a brand.

Content Marketing

Brands can use content marketing to offer constructive and real solutions and information to the problems of consumers. This helps in improving trust, builds credibility, and improves customer retention.

Reddit and Quora Marketing [ digital marketing strategies ]

In the last few years, two digital forums, which have become highly successful, have been Quora and Reddit. By successfully offering real and in-depth solutions to the queries of people, brands can divert a lot of traffic to their brand website.

In addition to website traffic, brands can hope to reach out to potential consumers. These consumers are already searching for industry-related problems and solutions.

Innovate with new features of Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are dynamic, rewarding, and engaging. Channels are always looking for ways to improve user experience. Brands should also experiment with all the new features and integrate them as part of their social media strategy.

From using the latest filters to following the best practices of the platform as mentioned in their press or blog section, brands can expect to increase reach, improve engagement and generate sales.

Selling on Amazon, Alibaba, and other Global E-commerce platforms

Most businesses make the mistake of setting up an eCommerce shop and then exhausting all their resources. Rather than set up your shop, become a seller on the global eCommerce platforms.

This will require a fraction of the investment, help you test the eCommerce market for your product, and absolve you of all logistical problems and worries.

Maintaining an active presence on Google My Business (GMB)

Google My Business is social media for businesses! Through GMB, Google is experimenting with evolving a new commercial model for business.

Brands should look to maintain an active presence on GMB, posting pictures, responding to queries, and asking for reviews.

This will help increase footfalls, build credibility and help you be part of Google’s successful digital ecosystem.


When brands should look to the future with digital marketing strategies, most of them are still following the best practices of 2015.

By being tactical, innovating, and pushing information and solutions, brands can expect to be highly successful on both search and social.

What are some digital marketing strategies that work for you? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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