Some SEO Winning Strategies to Absorb the COVID-19 Shock

Some SEO Winning Strategies

SEO Winning Strategies: It is quite evident that COVID-19 has turned our world upside down and has dramatically changed the way we lead our lives. We have been witnessing unprecedented unemployment rates, countless professionals working from home, stocks of Lysol wipes, and toilet paper flying away in the blink of an eye from shelves and all this has become the way of life, our new reality!

some seo winning strategies

As per, Coronavirus has radically shifted the buying habits worldwide and businesses, therefore, are fast adjusting and adapting themselves to the all-new reality emerging from the pandemic.

We understand that the COVID-19 has impacted the way we lead our lives and it has also, influenced the way users search and it has impacted overall consumer behavior as a byproduct. Here are two realities we need to accept:

  • Search behavior has been revolutionized because of COVID-19 and this would go on for at least, next few months or so with an increase in ‘at home’ as the latest keyword modifiers.
  • Consumerism too has witnessed a major shift in demand from desire-oriented purchase to essential stuff including fitness and health-based products.

Digital marketers are thinking in terms of effective content strategy as people are compelled to stay confined to their homes because of lockdowns. How should SEO and content stratagems help in addressing your target audience for maintaining relevance?

Here are some SEO quick tips that could be implemented right now for ensuring success.

Fortunately, for several people in the world of digital marketing, SEO did not have to take a major hit because of the coronavirus. Moreover, SEO did not get impacted at all in some cases. As businesses and organizations started to invest much more into SEO.

Good sense has prevailed as businesses recognized the need for revamping and boosting their SEO strategy to withstand the ill-effects of COVID-19. They have realized that it could take several months for reaping the fruits of investments into content marketing and SEO. However, investments made today could help in triggering ROIs, as soon as, normalcy is restored during the post-COVID world.

By leveraging time that has been freed up thanks to the present situation, many organizations took proactive steps and have started generating amazing content both online and even offline.

Business is already getting ready to take advantage of the post-COVID world. Let us explore some of the winning digital marketing agency Auckland SEO strategies that should keep you well ahead of the competition.

Need of the Hour: Content Just Right for Your Precise Target Audience

Even though SEO needs an upfront resource investment. Earned search rankings could go a long way and persist for years down the line. The content that is generated, optimized, and published today would serve to boost your brand in the years to come.

Moreover, the content could be updated simply to reflect the changing business objectives during the economic recovery. This is your opportunity to start reviewing your highest performing content, initiate efforts to update and optimize to meet the present circumstances.

Some companies are very much in survival mode and you need to act fast to get the results. Moreover, you may not be thinking in terms of investing in PPC. So your focus must necessarily be on content marketing and SEO. For achieving faster outcomes, you must focus on improving existing content. So that the content is just right for meeting the expectations of potential customers or clients right at the moment.

Do Ample Keyword Research – SEO Winning Strategies

Catch hold of all your best-performing content and see precisely what queries they already seem to be ranking for. Do ample research and utilize effectively all the information and data that you can assimilate from Google Trends, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, Scout Suggest, AlsoAsked, AnswerThePublic, and Question DB.

Assimilate all the queries that are relevant and examine how well you are presently performing and accordingly you may consider splitting all the queries into the following.

  • The Queries having Page 1 rankings.
  • Queries having Page 2 rankings.
  • Queries with Rankings meant for below Page 2.

Focus on Improving Existing Content – SEO Winning Strategies

In the case of first-page rankings, it is evident that with even slight tweaks to the basic content here, you would be successful in moving up a few notches higher or even succeed in winning a featured snippet. In the case of the second-page rankings, you are compelled to try harder.

You may consider incorporating sections into your already existing content or focus on creating a separate page precisely, in the hub-and-spokes model. If you target queries with extremely precise content, you would get a chance of winning a featured snippet. You may consider adding a few useful FAQs to the existing content for the best results.

Consolidate & Fortify Existing Content – SEO Winning Strategies

You need to focus on analyzing all those queries where you seem to be ranking below page 2. There are possibilities that you would come across some relevant or similar content. You must realize that individually all these pages would not be performing well. However, if you consolidate the existing content into a single fortified page, they would get a chance to gear up.

Create Relevant New Content – SEO Winning Strategies

If you come up with relevant new content, it would surely be visible in the SERP. Moreover, it would help in driving a lot of traffic to your precise site at once. For instance, Tidio has come up with a huge list of tools offering special deals for COVID-19.

Content with Evergreen Appeal for Your Target Audience

After modifying or updating the existing pages, you could start generating content that would still prove quite appealing to your audience even in a post-coronavirus world. This sort of content may not result in an instantaneous boost in traffic or customers or conversions. However, you could start witnessing consistent progress with this kind of content provided you focus on maintaining it well. This kind of content is supposed to be an investment that promises ROIs not instantly but with time. This entails the generation of the following content types:

  • E-books
  • Glossaries
  • Resource pages
  • Statistics
  • Tools


You must be having lots of time to spare thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. You must, first of all, focus on presently low-hanging fruit for achieving fast outcomes. Moreover, in the event, you are left with some surplus time, you must consider investing in content that is in high demand forever among your target audience. Once you have secured the present scenario, start planning for the future.

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