SEO Friendly Hosting: 5 Things to Look for in a Hosting Company
SEO Friendly Hosting
SEO Friendly Hosting: A good web hosting may not help much in SEO, but a bad one can definitely get the website penalized in one way or the other. Despite not having a direct effect on the search engine rankings of a website, it plays a big role in determining the type of web browsing experience visitors have on the site.

Similarly, even a small server error can force visitors to switch to another website, which is never good for the prospects of your website. That’s why the decision to choose a web host has to be taken with great care as a lot depends on it. And yes, a web host selection is way more than just considerations on bandwidth and disk storage.
With a web host, there are various factors to consider and ensure a consistent site experience for your users. Plus, you will need a reliable and solid web host if the goal is to prevent regular server errors and page timeouts of your website.
The web host you choose should complement your organic efforts. So that your website continues to do well in search engines. This is how you can always get an SEO-friendly hosting right.
Things to look for in an SEO friendly hosting company:
High Uptime Guarantee
To judge whether or not a web host is SEO-friendly, you first need to know its uptime guarantee. Up time denotes the total time a website is online and accessible to users. It’s therefore important to choose a host that guarantees higher uptime. So that your site is always up and running, and visitors don’t find the problem in accessing it.
Ideally, you’d want the site to enjoy a 100% uptime but that does not happen always. Even in the best-case scenario, a reliable host can guarantee 99.9 percent uptime which is not bad either.
No matter what, there will always be some downtime, and the lower the better. So, you can trust a web host on their ability to provide a higher uptime and maintain the SEO performance of your site.
Server Location
Server location can affect a site’s search engine performance. It’s a big factor in determining how quickly the website’s content is accessible to visitors. Ideally, the closer the data sever the better it will be for the SEO performance of the website.
After all, visitors then will be able to access the content quicker than they would otherwise. Similarly, if the server location is further from the website, it will take longer for the site to load which can irritate visitors and might affect the search engine performance of the site.
You must avoid a situation where the server location and website operation are in two different countries. This can definitely harm the site’s SEO prospects.
Value add-ons
Web hosting comes with various options and you can go for the ones that are good from an SEO point of view and boost your site’s search engine performance. There will be value add-ons that can help upgrade your site and bring it in sync with the requirements of search engines.

Further, you should check whether the web host offers automatic backups to always keep your site protected from risks of hacking or unethical access. Similarly, you should choose a web host that supports SSL. This will ensure a secure site and get a ranking factor boost as well.
Your web host should offer multiple hosting plans to help accommodate future expansion and growth of the site. As it provides robust infrastructure support for a hike in traffic.
Positive Reviews
Reviews should be the most important factor in selecting a web host. Because most hosting companies these days make lofty claims yet never live up to expectations in reality. So, it’s always better to first read about hosting companies before you sign up as this will help validate their marketing claims.
Google reviews are always a good indicator of a web host’s suitability for your business. You can also check top host lists, compare plans from different hosts and then take the decision based on that. So, don’t ever hurry up while selecting a host else it might affect your SEO prospects in the future.
Support 24×7 basis
A good web host is one that is always there for help, whenever the site goes down or the server crashes or faults. If a web host does not offer round-the-clock support, will you hire it or trust it for occasions where the goes down in the middle of the night or stops working at odd hours?
That’s why you should sign up only after verifying the operation hours of the support team. It’s also important to know the method and tools through which you can contact the support team.
Will they be available on chat, on phone, or via mail or social media? And lastly, trust only a top web development company for a quality website.
Author Bio:
Praveen Singh is a writer and blogger, and professional interested in sharing interesting ideas with the world. His blogs give a peek into things that aim to inform, enrich and entertain the readers. He loves sharing views on anything that provides value to the readers and helps broaden their horizons.