
Ultimate Guide to Influencer Marketing | How-To

Quick Guide To Influencer Marketing

This article will inform you of the general misconception about a quick guide to influencer marketing spreading over the internet.

Stay with me till the end, you’ll learn the ultimate guide to influencer marketing and you’ll be able to build a system. A system that will cater to your influencer marketing journey. Let’s begin with the basics.

As the internet is flooding with information products it is very hard to distinguish between influencer marketing and content marketing.

guide to influencer marketing

Have you ever tried influencer marketing for your business? What can an influencer do to your business? Let us understand in detail how to get started with influencer marketing and implement it in your business.

What actually influencer marketing is?

To put it simply, a guide to influencer marketing is to promote your business with the help of influencers. Now, who are these influencers? What do they do and how do they help to promote your business? Answering these questions will help you to recognize them.

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Influencers are the persons who have large fan followings. These people are internet celebrities who have mastered the art and craft of a particular niche or area. These people can level up your business by working with you to promote your business. They are also known as niche promoters.

One important thing to keep in mind is that influencers do not work for everyone. They analyze your product quality before they work with you.

If they find that your product is not worthy then they may deny your proposal and recommend you to improve your product quality. So, it is imperative to check your product quality before you connect to an influencer.

Does influencer marketing work?

Many people claim that influencer marketing is dead. However, many business owners and brands state that the ad campaign by a certain influencer helped their business to reach to this height. So, what is the truth behind the scene?

The point is that if you do it in the right way, influencer marketing can generate large rewards for your business. Now I have come up with a step by step guide to influencer marketing.

Step By Step Guide to Influencer Marketing

This is a step by step guide to aid your influencer marketing journey. This guide will take you through a detailed approach to start your influencer marketing campaign. So, let’s begin:

guide to influencer marketing

Define your goals

Whatever you do in your life, setting goals is the first step towards success. So, the first thing is that you should know what you want to achieve from influencer marketing. If you are not specific about your goal, the path can be a messy and frustrating one.

Goal setting will also help you to measure your success. You can easily know whether the campaign reached your expectations or not. Here is a simple framework within which you can set your influencer marketing goals easily. This framework consists of some major questions. Answer them to set your goals for your campaign:

  • Do you want to increase your number of visitors, if yes then how much? Define them in percentage or by an approximate range.
  • Do you want to increase the number of followers on social media? Set an approximate number for this too.
  • Do you want to increase your brand awareness to a particular group of audience? Who are those groups? Find them.
  • Do you want to increase your sales? Then be clear with the percentage.

Now once you are ready with your goal, the next step is to know your target audience.

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Find the Right Influencer

After setting goals the next step is to find your influencer. Finding the right influencer is very important for a successful campaign. You need to address these two questions to do so. First of all, how do you know influencers, and second, where do you find them?

Follow these 5 simple steps to know your influencer:

  • Know your audience because they are the most important part of your social media marketing strategy. Once you know your audience you can know which influencer they are following.
  • Now select a few influencers by analyzing their fan base.
  • Figure out the engagement rate of the selected influencers.
  • Try to know the authenticity of the influencers.
  • Look at the influencer’s personality whether or not they match with your core values.

Now, where can you find your influencers? You can find them in social media platforms, using hashtag keywords, google alerts, different influencer marketing platforms, and blogger outreach platform. After finding the right influencer for your business, its time to work your influencer.

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Work with your influencer

Only finding the right influencer can’t solve the whole problem. You need to make a good relationship with your influencer to engage in the campaign. Consider these steps to collaborate with your influencer.

  • Start following them on different social media platforms. Read their posts, share them in your profiles.
  • Create a meaningful proposal by introducing yourself and how do you come to know about them. Mention your reason for reaching out to them. Don’t share every detail at the very first conversation, wait for their response and try to connect gradually.
  • Send a follow-up email after a few days. Influencers get a large number of requests and proposals. So, your proposals may get unnoticed, that’s why you need to send follow up emails.

Manage your campaign

After all, the final step is to manage your actual campaign. Adopt these three most crucial steps for managing your influencer marketing campaign:

  • Keep a budget and prepare a management strategy
  • Maintain good relationship with your influencer
  • Keep track of your influencer marketing campaign


There is no point if you just jump into the influencer marketing without any purpose. If you are not clear about your reasons for choosing influencer marketing then pause and clarify them.

This guide to influencer marketing can take you to the next level if you are ready with your goals. Here, I have mentioned how you can find your right influencer and how to work with them by collaborating and integrating them into your campaign.

A step by step process is explained with various proven tactics, so apply them to your next marketing campaign. If you have any queries, feel free to ask in the comments section

Author Bio

Mashum Mollah is the Founder at ‘Blogstellar’. A passionate blogger by heart and an entrepreneur by profession, the ‘Blogging Engineer’ is on a mission to help people passionate about blogging transform their passion into full-time businesses.

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