
A List of the Top 5 Akali Counters to Pick & Play – League of Legends

Akali Counters League of Legends

Discussing a list of top Akali counters to play. League of Legends has been one of the best games and the one that made millions of gamers all over the world perfectly happy.

Now we have one extremely popular character. It is Akali and it is probably a character you have been playing with for a long period. But, the real question is who are the top counters you should pick and play as soon as possible? The answer is explained below.

Top 5 Akali Counters

1. Corki

The win rate here is 53% and it is the highest rating of this kind you can find at the moment or in the future. He is a below-average, mi-lanner and his primary weapon of choice is magic.

corki akali counters

He uses magic damage around 88% which is very high. The winning rating is 31 out of 37 mid-lanners. If you are planning to play with this character, make sure to complete the Infinity

Edge as soon as possible. It is essential and we do know that gamers who completed it, in the beginning, had much easier leveling and a much better score. Keep in mind that Corki is an appealing character for the late game (53.7% of the winning score).

2. TahmKench

TahmKench has a win rate of 50% which is considered to be very high in this case scenario. The character also uses magic mostly. In percentage, this is something like 74%! The win rate is 26th of 26.

tahmKench akali counters

He is also most useful and most effective in the late game with a winning score of 63.6%. The winning score in the game overall is 46%. Make sure to develop and use Spirit Visage in the beginning because it will make your game easier.

3. Evelynn

Evelynn is a great character to use for our purpose. She has 90% of the damage inflicted by magic and has a 33 out of 35 win rate among all junglers. Players need to complete Runic Echoe as their first spell to use.

evelynn akali counters

Also, the winning rate versus Akali counters is 50%. Evelynn is ideal for playing within the mid-game. In that case scenario, the winning odds are 50.2%. The overall winning rate is 46%.

4. Qiyana

Now we have a bit different character. The name is Qiyana and while all others from the list use magic to inflict damage, Qiyana uses physical power. The rating is 88%.

qiyana league of legends

The win rate is 36th among all characters of the type. There are 37 of them. The character is appealing to use for late game and it has a winning rate in that segment of the game at 50%.

An overall winning percentage is 44.7%. If you use this character, you will need to develop and improve the Guardian Angel skill as soon as you can. We know that players who do this have much easier gameplay and can win easily.

5. Azir

Azir is another mid-laner on our list who deals with magic spells primarily. All the damage he can inflict using spells is 90% which is massive.

azir league of legends

Rabadon’sDeathcap is an advantage you need in this case scenario and you need it at the beginning of the game. The character is appealing to use in the late game with a winning score of 50%. The overall winning score is 47%.


We hope you have discovered the answer to your question and we believe that now, you are ready to go out there in the virtual field and become the number one. Make sure to use all the tips and tricks regarding the Akali counters we have shared with you.

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