Coworking Software Solutions

Discussing 5 Awesome Coworking Software Solutions to Try in 2020 and how do they compare. Many companies are turning to shared workspaces rather than closed-off, separate offices or cubicles.

Flexible office space promotes not only a sense of unity, but it increases creativity amongst the workers. Employees are more likely to stay focused on the task at hand when working in open spaces with high visibility.

But still, there is always room for improvement. Enter software solutions that help to engage coworking, boost productivity and streamline services.

coworking software solutions

Office Dynamics: From Closed Office Doors to Coworking in Flex Office Space

The idea of office space has shifted in recent years. Rather than splintering workers off into segregated cubicles, companies look to more open office floor plans and spaces. Coworkers can still work alone but close to the rest of the staff.

Flexible office spaces can help foster an environment where everyone works together and brainstorms ideas or works cohesively on a project.

International cities have seen rapid growth in coworking and flexible office space in recent years, likely due, in part, to the Great Recession of the late 2000s.

5 Software Solutions That Make Coworking Easier in 2020

Once a company makes the switch to flexible office space, the next step is to find ways for workers to work together, but independently. That’s where coworking software solutions come in. Here are 5 awesome coworking software solutions to try for your company in 2020.

  1. Billing and invoices can be received and paid remotely. Many clients are making the move to sending and receiving money instantaneously through money transferring sites and applications. Companies need the ability to receive and pay bills and invoices just as quickly.
  2. Support tickets are sent to designated tech specialists. When there’s a tech problem, it needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Support tickets are transmitted to the proper specialist immediately instead of bouncing around different tech support workers.
  3. Meeting room booking promotes fair access for all coworkers. Overbooking the meeting room is a real problem for many companies. An app that seamlessly manages bookings can help reduce tension by ensuring all coworkers have accessibility to the conference room.
  4. Chat features for coworkers to collaborate and socialize. Sure, in an open floor plan, coworkers can verbally communicate, but that is disruptive for other workers. Chat features allow coworkers to share ideas while keeping the room free from distractions.
  5. Calendar integration puts everyone on the same page, literally. Many people use their work computer or work phone to store important meeting dates and other reminders. Calendar integration software can ensure no one will miss a meeting or deadline.

Coworking Increases Productivity and Accountability

There aren’t many companies can do to prevent employees from browsing the web or other non-work activity during working hours. No matter what software or products used, someone, somewhere, will find a way around it.

Instead of restricting access to certain websites, companies can promote productivity in their workers by implementing coworking and the software solutions that elevate the work experience.

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