Tech Industry Trends | 5 Industries That Are Lagging in Technology
Tech Industry Trends

The tech industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. There are new technologies being developed every day and the best thing is, it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down. In this blog, we’ll look at different tech industry trends and how they can benefit from these latest technologies.
Regarding the adoption of tech, some industries are on the leading edge, rapidly adopting developments and innovations. Other industries, on the other hand, lag behind new technologies for a multitude of reasons. In some cases, it’s because adopting change is the equivalent of trying to steer a huge ship, and in other instances, the space just hasn’t seen much disruption or need for any shifts.
The truth is that technologies like AI and machine learning can revolutionize almost every industry or at least improve it and make it more efficient. Here are five industries that would benefit from this.
Oil and Gas
The oil and gas industry is a complex industry that encompasses commerce, the environment, energy, safety, and logistics. There are many moving parts to the production process and many things that need to be considered. AI can be beneficial in making things easier across the value chain, and it can make oil well services more efficient, eliminating wasting resources.
It can also help companies assess geology and other environmental risks more effectively to make strategies more data-driven and precise. With a few tools, a process that has existed for ages can be modernized with economic and environmental benefits.
Agriculture has to be one of the oldest industries there is, and even it can see huge advancements through AI. Especially in a world where people are increasingly concerned about food security, the more efficiency that can be brought to the production process, the better. Being able to predict customer demand for crops allows for faster logistics and less wastage. Also, being able to use machine learning to assess the yield patterns of a specific crop can help determine how the process can be improved.
Real Estate
The real estate industry is another space that has massive potential for disruption because it often lags behind other services in its adoption of the tech. It’s only recently that the space has started to see small steps and even bigger leaps. AI and other innovations can improve the experience the consumer has in the process of buying a home. For example, technology can learn more about what a customer seeks and serve them those listings. Technology can also bring more speed, ease, and sophistication to the valuations of property, especially in a rapidly shifting market.
The government sectors of countries, cities, and municipalities tend to be characterized as bureaucratic, slow-moving, and resistant to change. What if technology could change all this? There are so many ways innovation can change how governments serve their communities and they can save money in their process. For example, governments can track things like public transport routes, the condition of roads, and even the processing of things like driver’s licenses to reduce inefficiencies.
Brick-and-Mortar Retail
Of course, online retail is heavily embedded in technology but what about its in-real-life counterpart? Could it also benefit from innovation? There are ways for tech to be leveraged to make the experience consumers have when they step into a store better. Industries like beauty retail have implemented things like virtual try-on for make-up looks and even in fashion, they’ve tried to add ways to make things better.
Some brands have introduced a virtual and brick-and-mortar hybrid, where consumers can shop for something on the retail app while in-store and then have those things delivered to a fitting room when they are ready. Tech can be used to identify some of the biggest friction points in the retail experience and then eliminate them to create a store people want to spend time in.
The brick-and-mortar store isn’t going to be eliminated, but it can be infused with innovation. Brands can pull all the data they gain from online stores so that when the consumer steps in there that information can be used to personalize things so that it doesn’t feel like an errand but more like a high-end experience.
Wrapping Up – Tech Industry Trends
Technology hasn’t just revolutionized the small aspects of daily human life, it has brought whole industries and sectors up by decades. Some industries are still behind the curve, causing a whole lot of avoidable issues.
It’s not bad news though, the fact that there’s still so much room for disruption means there are opportunities for entrepreneurs to come in and provide the solutions that will change that industry and completely revolutionize it.
It comes down to identifying those gaps and being able to serve an industry with massive value. There’s a huge need for trained professionals in fields like AI and data sciences because those are the people that will lead the charge.