How to know recent Twitter visitors on your Website / Blog
know Twitter Visitors
Today I am gonna show you who viewed your website or blog with a Twitter profile online or recent Twitter visitors who are watching your blog or website. You can track your twitter viewers easily.
Moreover, you can use any web browser to track your Twitter viewers to know recent Twitter visitors. It is a simple way to get the service and you just need to have your own Twitter account for this. To know the list of your Twitter visitors, you need to add a third-party website known as a Twitter counter [ ].
You can sign in to the Twitter counter via a Twitter account. After sign in, you can see your own Twitter stats on the main dashboard of the Twitter Counter. Through the Twitter counter, you can easily track your followers who follow you on Twitter. You can also track your recent Twitter visitors with the help of Twitter Counter.
As twitter counter provides a widget to trace your Twitter profile visitors on your website very easily with the help of a short javascript code.
View recent Twitter visitors
You can use this code on your own website or blog to know recent visitors. This Twitter widget provides you the unique insight to know who visits your website or blog.
Through this widget, you will know who is engaged on your site or blog and can directly add them on Twitter. This Twitter widget is the perfect way to build your own community and get more and more Twitter friends online.
See Also: How to Make 1000 Twitter Followers
Let me show you how is it possible with the help of Twitter Counter.
In the main dashboardGo to Services and click on My Widget to get your own javascript code. Through the Twitter counter, you can track down your own Twitter stats. You can also customize your own Twitter Widget.
See Also: How to know Who viewed my Facebook profile
In this widget, you can change your , Numbers of rows, Width, Header and Rules, Width, Header and Rules, Text, Link, and Background.

Through this widget, you can also interact with the people having their own Twitter profile. You can easily build a large community of your own Twitter followers.
Moreover, you can visit their Twitter handle to know more about the person who recently visited your website or blog. You can follow and send messages to that person to follow back on your own Twitter profile.
want to see my visitors
yes i want to khnow about my twitter visitors.
so good app
plz tell me my profile visiters
very nice.