Hiring App Development Service

You may have come across sites that encourage you to design your app even without knowledge of coding. This may seem like an alternative to hiring app development service in Dubai but if you want to design the app for commercial purposes, you should use professionals to avoid certain common mistakes.

Even though everyone makes mistakes, there is a better chance that using app development service in Dubai will avoid the following mistakes that can turn out to be costly.

hiring app development service

Here are the top app development mistakes you will avoid.

Not Thinking Past App Installation 

You might come up with what seems like a great app and you create a strategy that gets people to install it on their phones. What happens after that though? According to research, 53 percent of apps are uninstalled within 7 days. This is not just something that happens to non-app developers, even some professionals make this mistake. You need a strategy that helps the app remain useful even after it has been downloaded.

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Professional developers are familiar with the different ways you can keep people coming back to an app and sometimes they can even get them to pay more. Failing to plan is a mistake that can cost you a lot.

Failing to Perfect the User Experience 

Note that 42% of users uninstall apps because of poor user experience. User experience can include several things and creating a good user experience takes considerable planning. The mistake made by inexperienced developers is picking just a few user experience tips and leaving out a lot more. There are also creative ones.

Although creativity is a good thing when it comes to navigation, it can get annoying, if users cannot find their way around your app because what they expect to be somewhere is placed in another area, it will get frustrating and they will abandon the app.

Building a Purely Web-Based App 

Some app developers would call this designing a mobile app instead of an app. Apps are supposed to work even when you have no connectivity. That is one of the reasons people will prefer them to a mobile site. Most untrained app developers may fail to understand the basics of an app so they will make them work only on the web and in the end, the user is not satisfied with the performance which can lead to the app being uninstalled.

See Also: Build App Security in Applications

Ignoring Preliminary Research 

Before a professional app builder starts developing an app, they usually research the final user. This research is very important because it can guide the design of particular features. The research will give you ideas for features that can be customized for your intended users.

Professional developers can carry out the right kind of research which also includes talking to their clients to understand who is being targeted and what is known about them.

Not Testing Sufficiently 

This mistake can be made because you are rushing to put the app on the market or because you do not know what tests need to be carried out. This mistake can affect the user experience. Tests need to be carried out in different stages and one of the stages that may be left out is the user tests which would help you understand if the app meets the user’s expectations.

Tests can also expose bugs in the app that can be fixed before rolling out the app. A developer would know all the tests that need to be carried out for the app and have a checklist to ensure nothing is left out.

Including too Many Features

If you are wondering how that is a mistake, then that is an obvious sign you need experienced app developers. While it would be great to have an app with a lot of functionality, these features will come at a risk of having the up uninstalled.

One of the reasons apps get removed is because they take up too much storage space. Some apps do not even get installed because of the same reason. Trained app developers can create a good balance of features, ensuring that all the important features are included and the app is not too heavy.


Developing an app for your business is a great idea that comes with numerous benefits. It is however of at most importance that you get it as close to perfect as possible. Letting a trained and experienced app developer handle that is a safe way of avoiding mistakes that may affect your app in the long run.

At the same time, make sure you have a good marketing strategy that will guarantee the app receives a favorable response from the users. Poor marketing is another mistake you want to avoid even if it is not directly related to the development of the app.

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