How to get a Virtual Phone Number

Virtual Phone Number
Virtual Phone Number

What is a Virtual Phone Number

A virtual phone number is a telephone number that is not tied to a specific device or position. rather than counting on traditional landline networks, virtual figures use Voice over Internet Protocol( VoIP) technology. This means calls to and from virtual figures are transmitted over the internet. You can get original or risk-free virtual figures without demanding a physical address in that area.

How to get a Virtual Phone Number

To obtain a virtual phone number, you have a few options:

1. Virtual Phone Service Providers: Many companies offer virtual phone services. You can sign up with them online, choose a local or toll-free number, and configure call forwarding settings. Some popular providers include Google Voice, Twilio, and Grasshopper.

2. VoIP Services: If you’re already using a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service for your business or personal calls, you can often add virtual numbers to your existing account. Check with your VoIP provider to see if this option is available.

3. Mobile Apps: Some mobile apps provide virtual numbers. These apps typically allow you to make and receive calls using the internet. Examples include TextNow, Sideline, and Burner.

4. Online Marketplaces: Websites like eBay or Craigslist sometimes have listings for virtual phone numbers. Be cautious when using this method, as the legitimacy and quality of these numbers can vary. Remember to consider factors like pricing, features (such as call forwarding, voicemail, and texting), and the geographic area you need the number for. Choose a solution that aligns with your specific needs.

How secure is it to use a Virtual Phone Number?

Using a virtual phone number can be secure, but it depends on how you use it and the provider you choose. Here are some considerations:

1. Privacy: Virtual numbers can help protect your phone number. When you give out a virtual number, your actual phone number remains private.

2. Authentication: Some services use virtual numbers for two-factor authentication (2FA). However, if someone gains access to your virtual number, they could intercept 2FA codes.

3. Provider Reputation: Research the reputation of the virtual phone service provider. Choose a reputable company with strong security practices.

4. Encryption: Check if the provider encrypts calls and messages. End-to-end encryption ensures privacy.

5. Call Forwarding: Be cautious with call forwarding. If misconfigured, it could route calls to an unintended destination.

Remember to use strong passwords and enable additional security features when using virtual numbers.

Virtual Phone Numbers: Different Types & How They Function

Did you know that Freeje and most providers offer more than just a single type of virtual SIM?

We believe that misconception on this issue has led people to assume that what’s available is very similar to what your regular number is. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

As there’s almost a selection of smartphones having varying features, so do virtual numbers. That’s why as a general rule, it’s considered to be an all-encompassing solution for both individuals and enterprises.

Want to know more about which types you can try and what would be right for your specific circumstances? Keep reading and find out.

Virtual numbers 101

Imagine a cellphone that has a number but without a physical SIM. That’s what virtual numbers make possible. With it, you’re able to:

  1. Create a local presence to appeal to certain local markets
  2. Protect the privacy of your employees and yourself
  3. Enjoy many features usually unavailable through landline or are just too expensive before.

It offers everything that you’d expect from your average number but with so much more advantages.

Want to try one? Here’s how it works:

And getting started with one is pretty easy! You can either use a softphone (downloadable as an app or software), a special VoIP phone, or even your regular landline but with an adapter.

You don’t need any technical know-how because everything’s made to be user-friendly so you won’t need IT personnel to guide you through anything.

After the quick setup, you’re ready to use the number for your enterprise.

The different kinds that you can get

1. Toll-free

Are you familiar with home shopping? Then, you’ve probably seen the 1-800 numbers where you’re supposed to call if you’re interested in buying their product.

This type is very rampant in advertising, present on billboards, websites, and even flyers. Companies want to be more to their customers so through this solution, they remove any financial hesitations on the part of their customers by incurring all call charges instead of their market. 

This solution has been available as early as the 1960s. But before, only bigger companies who can endure heavy marketing spending can afford this investment.

Now, you can also get one at a fraction of what it cost before and still get the appeal to the market of being stable and established.

2. Local access

Do you know how there’s an assigned area code for different places? That’s basically what this one tries to replicate but without requiring you to actually be at that place. For example, you can get a number in Germany even if you’re in Russia. 

Essentially, these are numbers that you get when you want to reach a certain segment of your target market.

3. International toll-free service

It’s like the first type but without the limitations of your country’s borders. While the first one only applies to callers coming from the same country, this applies to calls from outside.

This means that people from a certain country can call your enterprise for free and without ever incurring international call costs. But there’s one limitation to this: it only applies to one foreign country at a time.

So if you want to extend that convenience to many countries, you’ll have to get a separate number for each.

4. Universal toll-free service

A solution that addresses the limitation of the last item, this one lets you use just one number for all countries that are registered under the UIFN system. Compared to the first four options, this is pricier – with the costs increasing for every additional country where you want it to work.

So it’s a great option for big businesses that want to streamline at the global level.

5. Vanity

A vanity number can also be any of the first four types. Here’s why: this is more of a decoration that allows people to more easily remember the digits. For example, if you know the numeric equivalent of each letter on phones, 1-800-CARWASH would be retained more easily than random numbers.

This type helps with marketing as it gives users a sense of what the company is offering. And because of this added benefit, providers usually charge extra for it.

For every purpose, there’s a perfect VoIP number for you

This is the beauty of this tech. It doesn’t just serve one function because everyone deserves the experience of having to use a virtual phone number. From personal to huge corporations, almost every communication need can be accommodated by this innovation.

And the fact that it’s so flexible that it can be used by practically anyone is perhaps one of its best features. And with how easily you can tweak your subscription or upgrade your system, this is a viable option even in the infancy of your enterprise.

Interested in growing and succeeding with the help of virtual numbers? Start with Freeje Optimum – a virtual number app so powerful you can start a small call center with it.

Last Published – August 22, 2022 – 7:27 PM

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