What will happen if Diet Coke & Mentos react | Trial

Diet coke and mentos experiment

Coke and mentos: We are looking at the different factors affecting the way that soda explodes. This is the reaction based on carbon dioxide gas. When you drop Mentos into the soda, then all the carbon dioxide bubbles come out of the soda all at once. It forms up & shoots out of the bottle. You can combine this with your favorite dry ice demonstration.

As you can make quarters scream, put out fires & make a liquid change from neutral to acidic. It turns out that the acidic quality of carbonated water is delicious to us which is why we put bubbles of carbon dioxide gas into our beverages.

Mixing coke and mentos

We all know what happens when Mentos mint is combined with coca-cola. But lots of people don’t know why it happens. Firstly it needs to be a carbonated drink where the CO2 is coming from the drive that is a massive eruption. Secondly, all the mints work the way we wanted them to but interestingly enough. As it’s not a chemical reaction but it’s a physical reaction. Each Mentos is covered in hundreds & hundreds of tiny little pores which actually trap the CO2 bubbles when they are dropped into the coke.

The CO2 eventually floats out of the pore & upwards allowing more bubbles to be formed in there & thins multiplies lots & lots of times a second producing an effect. So this is a physical reaction & most people end up looking in the wrong place. That’s why they can’t understand why these mints react with these sugary drinks. The power of the eruption really depends on the surface area the minimum & the amount of CO2 dissolved into the drink & that’s why Mentos & Diet coke works best.

The surface of Mentos has hundreds of thousands of tiny imperfections. These imperfections allow CO2 to form bubbles & that process is called nucleation. These bubbles quickly build up & blow out. Certain things in the liquid accelerate the process. Diet coke is especially good because it contains aspartame & potassium benzoate.

Mentos science experiment

Different kinds of soda also react differently to the Mentos. The different ingredients in the soda enhance the reaction. The amount of surface area of the substance can change the way it behaves. The reason that Mentos makes all the bubbles come out of the soda is that Mentos are microscopically rough. As they covered millions of tiny pits & bumps, place where the bubbles can form. Another factor that has a big impact on how much the soda explodes is the temperature of soda. This is because the temperature affects how much carbon dioxide you can dissolve in the liquid.

Diet Coke and Mentos Eruption

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