Monitor Children’s Phones

Most of you must have heard about parental control (Monitor children’s phones ) In fact, many of you may have used it to keep control over your children’s smartphone and internet activities.l

Parental Control is a technology feature/service that allows parents to monitor their kids’ online activities, calls, texts, etc. to be able to better protect them from harmful things such as cyberbullying, hacking, spam, privacy violation, etc.

monitor children's phones

Parent control for kids

On the outset, the use of parental controls to monitor your kids’ texts and other phone activities may like a natural and much-needed response as caring parents, but at the same time, we should not ignore the fact that we are somewhat violating the privacy of our kids by constantly tracking their phones, especially when we’re doing it without their permission.

So, it all boils down to the question of whether monitoring the child’s phone activities by parents is right. And if so, how to maintain a balance between parental supervision and allowing children the freedom to explore the technology as they may deem fit.

But, before we explore this further, let’s first discuss the various potential dangers the technology has for kids.

Digital Connectivity – Monitor children’s phones

It’s no news that digital connectivity such as the internet and smartphones have offered numerous benefits to humans, including the ability to find all kinds of information with just a few clicks, connecting with friends and colleagues, and growing our businesses online. Even in the case of children, they are constantly benefiting from online information sources like Wikipedia and e-tutorials for education and learning.

But, at the time, the internet can present many dangers, especially to kids and teens, if not used carefully and with caution

Cyberbullying – Monitor children’s phones

One example of the most common and disturbing digital threats is cyberbullying, with which kids of almost every age might be affected. Cyberbullying is online bullying or harassing, where a known or unknown person may start bullying or harass your kids through electronic means such as social media, calls, and/or texts.

Besides Cyberbullying, there are various other online threats that parents need to be concerned about when allowing their kids to use the internet. Child Internet Crime and Abuse Statistics reveal many shocking facts about such threats being experienced by children online.

According to a research, over 17% tweens admitted having received emails or online messages with malicious photos and/or words, 22% girls agreed having posted inappropriate photos of themselves online, more than 90% of children have come across online pornography and over 20% teenagers have one time or another become a target of online sexual abuse.

Threats – Monitor children’s phones

All these are the signs of existing and potential threats that may affect your children online. And, we aren’t even talking about the long-term impacts that such threats may have on the mental wellbeing of our children.

Do I need to say more as to why we as parents need to be using parental controls to monitor the social and phone activities of our children? In the end, it all comes down to what is more important to you – your children’s safety or the righteousness of monitoring their online activities.

The best solution is finding a balance between the two. Talk to your children, teach them the importance of being aware when using the internet and social media and how parental control helps with the task. Make sure that your children understand that you’re not prying but protecting them by monitoring their phone activities.

And I would like to sum up by saying that you should find and use a good parental control app like the Titan Family Security app that not just allows you to monitor your kids’ phone/internet/social activities but also lets you track their physical location by phone at any time.

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