Platform for Corona Safety: Artificial Intelligence Technology
Artificial Intelligence Technology
Artificial Intelligence technology: IREX is a cloud-based, powerful tool for controlling the large community for infectious disease and threats. Service Covid-19 has changed our lives irrevocably. The pandemic has disrupted people’s livelihoods and taken a toll on thousands of innocent human lives. There is a need for new public safety protocols. is a perfect system to meet these standards and maintain good health.

Look at this thermal camera at our university.
This device is equipped with two channels. The thermal one measures the temperature. The optical line is designed to recognize faces.
The thermal features are not always necessary during a mass event. In other cases, this function is needed to scan and select individuals in a big group.

Web Interface
The web interface is integrated with the thermal video cam. The video device measures the accurate body temperature of each person. If the reading exceeds the tolerable threshold, the detector sends a signal of alarm. Then the camera takes the photo of the individual with the fever using the optical line. The system cross-references the data in the base and identifies the person.
The platform exploits a secured messenger that enables collaboration between domestic resources in real-time. If necessary, it links external resources. The security may stop the chosen individual with an elevated temperature. The route in the building can be tracked with the cameras.

The system can detect individuals with and without a mask.
Another feature of the program is to ensure the safety of people. The device controls the behavior of the crowd. If some groups are too close to each other, the detector transmits a signal of density alarm.
Additional Features of the AI program
The artificial intelligence technology of the multi-functional program can help the public maintain health measures.
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Distance Control
Keeping the requisite distance is vital to stop the spread of viruses such as Coronavirus or COVID-19. We are all human and can sometimes forget to maintain distances in crowds. To adapt to the new realities is hard. We tend to return to our usual behavior.
Artificial intelligence technology can remind people of keeping the necessary distance. Installed in food stores and pharmacies, the system eliminates the need to enforce the distancing. can monitor the flow of customers in stores. The AI technology can help the store owners ensure that visitors have masks on when necessary. The program settings also estimate the distance between people. This feature improves the safety and productivity of staff.
The platform is constantly being improved, it can be configured to detect potential carriers of Coronavirus or COVID-19 and monitor their distance.
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Flexibility and Adaptability of Business Structures
Artificial intelligence technology and digitization are capable to accelerate the development of a company. Functioning like a human brain, AI helps to increase flexibility and adaptability in the collective.
For example, the system can automatically schedule the meetings or send the staff task reminders.
The use of artificial intelligence technology improves decision-making and efficiency. This is of particular relevance when most companies introduced a model of telecommuting. AI software can determine if certain employees need more support or motivation. A thorough analysis enables the discovery of needs to cope with problems and find the right solutions.
The advanced platform is no doubt a useful and affordable tool in the fight against the virus.