How to Make Your Own YouTube Channel
Make YouTube Channel
How to start a YouTube channel. It is very easy to Make YouTube Channel for free. It hardly takes 3 or 5 minutes for the registration process to complete on YouTube. YouTube is the number 1 video search engine, owned by Google. There are tons of videos uploaded each and every day on YouTube.
How do you create a channel on YouTube?
So get started to make your own YouTube channel. For this you have to open your web browser, then open up the homepage and click on the sign-in button on the right top of the web page.

How to create a YouTube accountCreate an account on YouTube – Google sign in
As you don’t have a YouTube account, for creating a new account, click on the Create an Account link below the sign in box. Fill in your name and e-mail address, you can make a new e-mail address or use the existing e-mail for making your account.
The next step is to create a password. Password should belong with alphanumeric characters with small or large capital letters. Then fill in your date of birth, gender, and other e-mail address not related to this account. Finally, type the cap-ache code and agree with the terms and Privacy policy by pressing the ‘I agree’ checkbox. Then proceed to the next step by clicking on that button.
The next step depends upon you whether to make your own G+ account or later. Click on back to YouTube account, you are now registered with YouTube.
Now to view your YouTube account, click on the small image thumbnail on the right side with the upload button. Then click on the creator studio button. On the left-hand side of the creator studio, you will see the Video Manager. To manage your YouTube videos.
- Community – To manage your Subscribers.
- Channel – To view your channel status with extra features.
- Analytics – To know your viewer’s location and their views.
- Create – To create or edit your YouTube videos [Audio and Video edits with royal tee free music for YouTube videos.]
The last thing is to create a channel, so click on the link Create a Channel. In this step, you can assign your user name or business name, name of your channel, and category. Then click on I agree to the page terms, press done.
Go to the dashboard, which is the main screen of your YouTube channel. So it is very easy to create a YouTube channel.