Going Paperless – Why Should Your Business Go Paperless
Going Paperless Business
Going paperless for business: Every employee makes at least 60 trips to the printer, copier, and fax machine. Doing so results in an average of four weeks lost in trying to find untracked, misfiled, mislabeled, and lost documents.

This is why more companies are working towards creating a paperless office through the use of a virtual printer. Virtual printers are programs installed on the computer which is used to develop and protect the format of a document, so it looks similar when viewed on a screen.
They can also be used to convert a document to an image file like JPG or JPEG, so it’s universally compatible with other devices. This ensures that you can view and correct problems before printing the document.
Perhaps the most significant advantage of a virtual printer is its ability to send a document to a fax server for paperless faxing. By going paperless, businesses can increase efficiency by reducing the influx of emails and ensuring convenient accessibility.
Going Paperless Office
With paperless business systems, you no longer need to sort through a pile of paperwork to find documents like customer invoices. They also enhance your efficiency and overall productivity, thus, resulting in higher profits.
Approximately 59% of businesses that adopted a paperless working environment achieved a full return on investments in less than a year. Paperless systems also encourage innovation, enhance teamwork, and avert hoarding of knowledge.
Digital files created by virtual printers are more flexible than printed pages. You can easily share them on corporate intranets, the web, or even via email.
You can also make the environment a healthy place to live in with paperless systems. At least 45% of paper printed in offices ends up trashed every day in landfills.
How to Find the Best Virtual Printer?
About 20% of print jobs are not recouped from printers, leaving confidential information available to virtually anyone. With virtual printers, you can ensure that essential documents are safe. Because the program directly stores it on the cloud for easy accessibility.
Always check the compatibility of the virtual printer to ensure that it can work with your business systems. Opt for virtual printers that can work with operating systems like Mac, Windows, and Linux, or even Android and iOS.

Why Mobile Compatibility Matters?
While PC compatibility is a must, ensuring that your virtual printer software works on mobiles will further increase your productivity.
Mobile compatibility also connects your employees and enables them to edit, read, and store files on the go to ensure continuous operation. Having connected employees helps improve the productivity of the organization by roughly 20 to 25%.
Checking its features is also another critical aspect of choosing virtual printers. Opt for scalable printers that can adapt to the evolving demands of the business industry.
A scalable printer offers the necessary updates and bug fixes to keep your business competitive. There should also be security features like PIN codes and user controls to keep specific files exclusive to other users.
With only 31% of businesses going paperless, chances are most of your competitors are still stuck with the traditional ways of printing.