Let’s the light show begin, Brilliant colors exploding in the air. Fireworks are invented in china over 1000 years ago. Fireworks are so high tech these days, as it’s easy to forget that they are not modern invention. The Europeans invented the type of fireworks we know today. The modern pyro technicians use computers to ignite fireworks from a safe distance. Colorful spectacle that have been filling us with wonder of generations.

Everything you see in a fireworks display is chemistry in action. How the colors are all produced by very specific chemical mixture that produce beautiful color flames that continue to burn in air.

Fireworks Production Steps

Assembly explosives into fireworks is the job of the pyro technician. Even the tiniest part of static electricity could set them off. So a worker uses anti-static gloves as a precaution or safety. The fireworks is made up of separate compartments within a shell. The burning fuse explodes one compartment at a time creating those staggered bursts in the sky.

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The pyro technician or worker first glues the main fuse into the bottom of the shell. It is dyed with a color as to know where he is exactly applying it. The worker puts the bottom aside to work on the second compartment of this to compartment firework. He starts with spooning a powdered explosive into the center. Then he caps it on the top. Now a brown cardboard shock absorber applied to shield this compartment from the first compartment explosion with a corrugated cardboard disc and a spacer.

It will now take the fuse 1 ½ seconds to burn these 2 components. Creating a slight delay between the first explosion and the second. Gluing the second compartment together is tricky. It has to be tight enough to with stand the delay. With the second compartment done, it’s the time to prepare the first. He then glues the sleeves onto a case, then filled with 100 of stars.

Chemicals used in fireworks

Stars are what creates the flashes of colors in the sky. As they are carefully measured explosives mixed with coloring agents. Like magnesium for white color, Copper salts for blue color and charcoal for orange color. The worker must handle them gently or they could detonate. Next the worker add the comets, an another type of exploding decoration. The pyro technician then tops it off with gunpowder.

Finally he glues the 2 compartments together filling the remaining space with the same combination of ingredients. Once the shell is full, the pyro technician glues on the cover and tighter the better. As more pressure that builds up, the bigger and more spectacular the explosion. Next he wraps the fireworks in craft paper. The label uses the international color codes to indicate the size of the shell. The lift charge a gunpowder bag with a long fast action fuse, which will goes at the base of the shell. That is the main thing what will send the firework into the sky.

Chemical reactions in fireworks

When they light the main fuse at the top, it simultaneously lights to a secondary fuses. The time delay fuse inside the shell running through the compartments of the explosives and that long fuse running along the outside down to the lift charge at the base. Now once the lift charge ignites, heat and gas build up inside the launch tube until they explode. Propelling the firework close to one thousand feet skyward.

Fireworks Show

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Candace

    Thanks for the info! I’ll check it out.

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