Constructive uses of Social Media for business
Uses of social media for Business
The constructive uses of social media for business. Whenever any new technology emerges, its positive and negative features start running side by side competing with each other. It all depends upon the user how they utilize any innovation to their benefit or that of society as a whole or else transform it into something controversial.
In our contemporary age, we haven’t seen any invention more popular than social media but we haven’t seen more debatable ones either. The question arises often if there are constrictive sides of this invention but first, we need to assess the risks and downsides.

Real-life is replaced by a virtual one
Family is the central object of any society and our friends hold key positions in our lives. But now we are too much engrossed with fake facade offered by glitz and glitter of social media that our real-life relations are neglected.
People are more concerned with what their friends in virtual space are doing rather than trying to prove what they are hiding behind their glamorous pictures.
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It’s been said that the uses of social media have transformed our societies into globally connected ones. Albeit true as far as information is concerned. However, as far as human to human connection is concerned it became more disconnected than ever before.
Family members sitting at the breakfast table are busy with their mobiles rather than engaging in real-life conversations with their loved ones.
They are familiar with their friend having a party across seven seas but not what’s going on in the life of their sibling. These conditions are inducing a sense of emotional isolation and depression eventually.
Pressures are greater than ever before
Your friend got into your dream university, visited a posh restaurant or got engaged while you are single. You feel urged to join the bandwagon too. Even if buying the same car as your friend might be financially crippling but you will do so.
There is a never-ending race that started with the advent uses of social media that are making many crazy just to live the lives of others. Without knowing things may not be as beautiful as they are on the surface.
Inferiority complexes on the rise
Your friend uses a filter and giving model look and you start fretting about your appearance. Always feeling behind seeing the accomplishments of friends. Psychologically social networking has instilled the feeling of discontent in its users. Millennials are no more satisfied with their lives. A sense of gratification is a matter of past now.
Personal lives aren’t the only affectees
Spread of false information or colloquially speaking ‘fake news’ is increasing day by day. Its easier than ever before to tarnish someone’s reputation with slander, lies or misrepresentation of facts. Mass campaigning against political opponents through social media followers has become a norm.
And that leads towards a misinformed election of wrong candidates. Overly reliance on uses of social media for information isn’t good. It’s not an authentic source. This medium is manipulated much for creating chaos and discord.

Security is at peril as well
With the emergence of nonstate actors a rise of terrorism. It was social media used to enhance their recruitment from all around the world. Terror outfits used twitter for spreading their hate ideologies and attracted many impressionable minds from the west to further their agenda.
Many incidents of terror took place through their hands in cities like Paris and Brussels. All thanks to social media!
Workplace productivity is jeopardized
People use social media in the workplace for a variety of reasons. It can either be for professional matters or personal reasons like seeking a change through connecting with friends or family.
But this change takes quite long before you get back to your work temperament. Even after you leave your phone, your activity there will keep lingering in your mind for longer.
One of the best safety measures to save employees from wasting their precious time is to install time tracking software on their devices. It will monitor their activity and productivity levels, therefore, making them vigilant of their time.
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Now coming to the question if there are constructive uses of social media as well?
Where virtual connections have created spaces in real-life relations, it bridges the gaps as well. If there is a friend who left the country before ages. The uses of Social media might bring you both connected after long.
It can become an educating tool if the source is authentic
News stories, articles, images or videos, if they are shared from authentic sources on social media they can act as credible modes of education. Every newspaper or magazine has its social media presence so sharings from reliable sources add to the information of users.
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Building professional connections
With social media users platforms like Linkedin, its easier than ever before to build a professional circle around yourself. It helps you further your business goals and ambitions by seeking the counsel of others and sharing your expertise with them.

Digital Marketing or social media marketing
Traditional advertising is replaced with a more cost-effective and expedient social media marketing strategy. Expensive brand ambassadors are now substituted with much less demanding social media influencers. Even consumers tend to trust more on referrals through friends or influencers on social media rather than believing the word of a random model smiling in a billboard or tv commercial.
Social media unveiled our hidden selves
Everyone possesses some skill or talent but not a platform. Social media channels provided space for undiscovered potential and gave an outlet to untapped it. As a result, we have seen the emergence of social media celebrities and their huge followings.
Some are writers, some cook, or photographers, others are blogging on their matter of interest. But everyone even the shy ones have now space and audience/viewership for their skill.
Bottom line is..nothing is either black or white in the world. There are always grey spaces in between. Likewise, social media is no exemption where its drawbacks are numerous, benefits are countless as well.
It all depends upon an individual’s intellect, how they use it. It’s not anything that ends up constructive or destructive but the one using it.