6 plugins to improve your WordPress website speed

Improve WordPress website speed

So how to improve your WordPress website speed. Fast and optimized web pages lead to higher visitor engagement and higher page ranking in Google as well as in other search engines. By using these plugins, your web page loading performance increases automatically.

I tested my web page on Pingdom and Google PageSpeed Insight. See below.

My Website Results From:



6 Plugins To Improve Your WordPress Website Speed

1. Autoptimize – Plugin

Autoptimize easily optimize your site. It optimizes all your website scripts, styles, minifies and compresses them, also adds expires headers and caches them. It also optimizes the HTML code and makes your web page light-weight.

2. Hyper Cache – Plugin

It is a cache plugin, that is specifically written to get the max-speed for your WordPress website. it is purely PHP and works on every WordPress website.

Features of Hyper Cache

  • It doubles the cache for desktop and mobile sites. It also detects theme changes on the mobile device
  • Hyper Cache is HTTPS ready.
  • It can serve expired pages, to increase your WordPress website speed by bots.
  • It also Manages the compression level.
  • The auto-clean feature controls the cache used disk space with CDN support.

3. Leverage Browser Caching Ninjas – Plugin

It is a very simple plugin that allows you to quickly leverage browser caching on your WordPress website or blog. Leverage Browser only works with the Apache Web Servers and edits your .htaccess.

It can also make a safe backup copy of your .htaccess on your C-pannel file manager if you ever want to revert.

4. Page Speed – Plugin

This Plugin helps you to get some passing grade in the Google Page Speed Insight.

Its Features include –

  • Leverage browser caching.
  • Compression of the site.
  • Eliminating render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content.
  • Optimize web CSS Delivery, Minify JavaScript, and CSS.

5. WP Fastest Cache – Plugin

This is a wonderful plugin, that creates a static HTML file from your dynamic WordPress site. It uses PHP and MySQL while rendering a web page or blog. The setup of this plugin is very easy. It can modify the file .htaccess automatically.


  • All the cache files are deleted when a post is published by you.
  • You can delete all cached files and minified CSS from the options page.
  • It also Enables or Disables cache options for mobile devices as well as for logged in users.
  • It also supports SSL and CDN.

6. WP Minify – Plugin

WP Minify integrates the engine in your WordPress site. This plugin will combine and compress both JS and CSS files, to improve the performance of page load time.

It grabs JS and CSS files in your generated WordPress web page and passes that list to Minify-engine. Then the engine returns a consolidated-minified and compressed script as a reference in the WordPress header section.

Features include –

  • Easy integration of Minify into your WordPress site.
  • It Minifies all JavaScript, CSS, and HTML with debugging tools.
  • It also includes and excludes extra JS and CSS files for Minifying.
  • Moreover, it can detect and eliminate duplicate sources.

That’s it

Test all these Plugins and check your WordPress website speed results.

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