tesla coil
Nikola Tesla had dreamed of supplying the world with electricity, wirelessly. So he invented the Tesla coil in 1891. It uses two coils: primary and secondary. Moreover, it can produce bolts of high voltage electricity known as the Tesla coil.
The primary section of the coil passes a current into a secondary coil producing a high voltage and low current which expels out a lightning-related discharge.
Moreover, Tesla put on demonstrations showing how the coil can be used to power light bulbs wirelessly nearby. Moreover, He also held the light bulb up close to the coil, powering them without harm to himself.
From 1899 to 1900, Tesla built a new laboratory in Colorado Springs and it’s here that he built a larger version of his Tesla coil called the magnifying transmitter.
As it measures 51 feet or 15.5 meters in diameter. Moreover, it could reach outputs of up to 12 million volts. With this new version of the coil, the inventor could light up 3 the incandescent bulbs at 100 feet or 30 meters away.
During one night the transmitter overloaded during an experiment. Moreover, burning out the power station and turning the town dark. In 1901, with funding from a businessman, he built his next larger transmitter in New York “The Warden Cliff Tower”.
Nikola Tesla has acquired the investment by pitching his proposed “World Wireless System” as a way of communicating across the world by broadcasting messages. Moreover, delivering electricity wirelessly.
By 1904, Tesla’s investors have pulled out and with staggering debts “The Warden Cliff Tower” was eventually demolished in 1917.
In the early 20th century, the Tesla coil would be used for a number of things including Medicines, Radios, Electrotherapy, X-Rays and for entertainment. But in the present day, the coil has been replaced by more modern circuitry.
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