cyber security tools
Nowadays cyber-attacks are common things. You must need cyber security tools to tackle these kinds of cyberattacks. These cybersecurity tools act as a safeguard for your personal or private data stored online. So, let’s discuss these tools step by step.
Cyber security is the technology using industry best practices to protect systems networks and programs from cyber attacks.
Cyber security attacks normally intended at changing, accessing, or damaging sensitive data, forcing money from users, or interfering in normal business processes. Each user relies on critical infrastructures like – hospitals, public transport systems, and financial services, etc.
Information security is another way of saying there is security. Protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and involves the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, exposure, interruption, alteration, or destruction.
Information security deals with the security of information, even if stored in a file cabinet. While on the other side, cyber security deals with preserving data and information from outside sources in cyberspace or on the internet. So someone could likely be a cyber security expert without being an information security expert or vice versa.
Here are some basic terminologies that you need to be aware of in the world of cyber security. They are networked internet, internet protocols, IP address, mac address, DNS, DHCP, router, malware, virus, worms, Bots, and finally hash function and values.
Here are the popular attacks that comprise distributed denial of service, Email attacks, Man in the middle attack, and password attacks.
It’s a kind of attack, where various compromised systems that are usually infected with bots are utilized to target a particular system creating a denial of service attack.
One of the most common targets of a man-in-the-middle attack is an online banking site. The hacker could steal the card information or see that a user is making a transfer and change the destination account number or amount being sent.
Relying solely only on a password isn’t true security. The force of a password is generally covered in the number of times and effort required in breaking the password by different attacks.
Common password attacks
It is an attack that exploits human nature and behavior. As it takes 2 primary forms:
Convincing someone to conduct an unauthorized operation is turning someone to disclose confidential data. In social engineering, the attackers try to convince the victim to perform some activity or reveal a piece of information that they shouldn’t like their password.
So, Be Aware, Be Safe
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