oculus go
VR is cool & it’s a really interesting technology that’s up & coming with lots of challenges. Oculus go is a wireless headset that does not need a smartphone to be snapped into it. It has hardware components that allow it to run VR apps with wireless technology.
The cool thing about the Oculus go is, it’s completely self-contained. Oculus showed up a GCD this year with the first hands on Oculus go the standalone headset. You don’t need to plug it into a computer or even need a mobile device. Just put it on & start playing & that’s a really big benefit that haven’t played virtual reality before.
So the Oculus-go is actually pretty comfortable & it is really light weight, when you put it on. It also has 3 straps to adjust all around your head with no head phones go over your ears. There is an audio being piped in around your ears.
Oculus go controllers
Moreover it has a controller with comfortable bands on it. The controller of Oculus go is tiny handheld & its little great thing with a touch pad on your thumb, having trigger on the back. Moreover it also has some button on the top that are very simple & effective. The games are actually super responsive, the controller worked really well just by slightly changing the direction of your hand. So the Oculus go is a standalone head set. It means when you are playing online, you can really turn around as much as you want.
You can rotate & see the entire world 360 degrees in all directions. So compared the Oculus-go to another standalone headset a mobile one the gear VR, it’s a little heavier. Oculus go is comfortable on your face & it’s not too heavy which is a big deal for VR headsets. So this is a standalone headset with 360 degrees of freedom tracking much like the gear VR system. The rotational head tracking helps in looking in every direction.
It has a very high density display. Its LCD panel, that’s high resolution you get on gear VR or the Oculus rift. The optics in Oculus go is most impressive. The field of focus like the sweet spot in the center of the lens appears to be bigger. These are the next generation of optics.
If you see at the lenses, you can see the concentric rings. This light gear VR is a single panel, so it’s not like the rift or the live where you have 2 panels. The facial interface is also very comfortable, as it is some type of soft foam that’s makes Oculus go a light device. As it is lighter than gear VR, the weight of Oculus VR matters a lot to how hard the facial interface has to press against your head.
Moreover they also designed the straps which makes it pretty comfortable. So the top strap is removable & the way it split off on the back almost like in the rift. There is a proximity censors from inside which knows when to activate & microphone underneath looks like a small whole with power as well as volume controls. Moreover, it also has two ports on the side. These are the only hardware input or output ports which is micro USB & audio jack. Oculus go has built in speakers which are pushed back along at the back of the channel somehow & reflect it into your ears.
The system menus in the Oculus looks like a home, it basically is a curved system of panels that you can interact with by rotating your Oculus controller. You can choose the options by selecting or going left & right choosing from there. You also had battery indicators on the right with brightness indicator settings etc.
The price in USD is $199
All the components & lenses are capable for displaying a VR experience with in a headset itself without using computer or smartphones. It is now actual display that are built for specifically VR.
Be notified at oculus.com/go
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