Solar Power System Technologies
Investing in a solar power system is a definitive success mantra for the corporate sector. And evidently, the changes are coming along the way, though they are slow, they are there.
Ever since the industrial revolution began, there have been several groundbreaking innovations. And indeed, these innovations are the real reason why today’s corporates function the way they function.
For instance, about a hundred years ago, there were no robots to automate the production for any company. But, look around, almost every manufacturing unit uses a mechanical robot to boost its production today.
That being said, it is not actually the introduction of mechanical robots that fascinates many. Perhaps, there are many other changes coming around in the corporate world.
I need to ask you something- what do you think has really changed in the corporate world over the years? Is it the introduction of computers or mechanical robots? Or is it something entirely out of context?
I’d say it is the way corporate people think now. They are more inclined to find new and better ways of improving. And believe me, this improvement is not only in production or quality or even revenue. This improvement has a lot to do with how corporates take up social responsibilities. And, to much surprise, integrating solar technologies is one such remarkable improvement.
Everyone knows that solar power is an alternative to combustible power, aka fossil fuels. And most likely, it also needs no saying that the solar power system does not create any pollution, which means it is a form of green energy.
Having said that, for the corporate world, this green energy is proving to be a real booster. Every year, companies pay billions of dollars for utility services. Of course, without energy, there’s no work. And if there is no work, the companies would fail eventually. But, since the solar power lighting need not be connected with the grid, they reduce the bills, substantially. And that’s not all. Installing solar lights also reduces the carbon footprint as a whole.
Here’s an example- a small cottage factory requires electricity to run its machinery, besides other electrical equipment. And since most of the grid power comes from thermal plants or other such power plants, they emit a lot of heat. And of course, creates a lot of pollution as well.
But, on the other hand, the solar power system is free from such defects and is completely carbon-free. So, instead of relying on grid supplies, solar power panels can help cover up the electricity needs to a large extent.
Consider the fact that people do not like to consume products that harm mother nature. To put this into perspective, think of the anti-leather movement in the fashion industry. Earlier what used to be a style statement, is now frowned upon. People no longer prefer a company that endorses animal slaughter for leather. Instead, companies or brands that sell faux leather are now in trend over the traditional ones.
It’s all because consumers are becoming aware of the repercussions the industrial revolution has on the environment. Subsequently, this revolution is also turning towards the industries that create a lot of pollution. As earlier said, most of the grid power is derived from fossil fuels. And people are not liking this. People actually want companies to be more responsible for environmental issues.
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There’s actually a remarkable example of companies proposing their social responsibilities. In Japan’s Anpachi district, there’s a huge solar ark built by Sanyo, a semiconductor manufacturer. Notably, the ark stands 315 m wide and 37 m high producing nearly 530,000 kWh annually. That is something people like to know and endorse. In fact, post the construction of this solar ark, the area has been declared as a heritage site.
Of course, for any business, the idea of returns on investment can never be neglected. This holds true when investing in the solar power system as well. Considering the example of the solar ark once again, since its declaration as a heritage site, Sanyo’s market share has actually increased.
Think of it this way, the site is silently promoting the brand. And not to mention, people are actually connecting with the brand emotionally. When people know that the products they are buying are actually helping to improve the environment, they tend to feel responsible for the change. And it is quite natural to feel so.
If all the expenses are to be calculated, the returns would stand equal within a couple of years, only. In other words, the cost of setting up solar power lighting to the traditional grid power bills is extensively smaller with passing time. And also the returns are increased exponentially.
Most importantly, as is also quite evident, investing in new-age solar technologies is helping brands build their reputation. Sanyo is far better known than any other brand manufacturing semiconductors, in all the eastern hemisphere. It needs no mention that people like responsible companies. And the ones that are actually helping save the environment deserve most of it.
The world is slowly embracing these changes and for the betterment of the society, indeed. It’s not only the integration of solar energy into the corporate environment but many other changes as well. For example, water saver urinals being used in offices, indoor eco-systems for natural air conditioning, and many more.
Perhaps, it is a solar power system that receives maximum attention, though. Not many people are interested in knowing what urinals does a company install in their corporate office. Or for that matter how many acres of land the company uses for planting trees. People are interested in knowing about the bigger issues at hand, and pollution is on top of the list.
A company might not see the benefits right away, they will, however, feel it down the lane. Newer and better technologies are making headway to the market daily. It’s just a matter of time before we witness a major shift in the power sector for corporate benefits.
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