
Neon Signs: In The World Where There Were No Sign Boards

Neon Signs Board

Neon Signs: Imagine a world that has no sign boards! Okay if you are unable to think about it, think about this situation.

You are searching for a tailoring shop in an unnamed market. Tired of finding the shop, you park your car and walk on foot to seek guidance in a better way. After a lot of calculations, a person guided you with the shop’s address.

You, trying to remember the guidance you sought, act as a passer-by in the Labyrinth to find your destination place. After toiling hard, you do reach your destination. Now, when you return, you find your car missing.

Consider another situation

You are traveling to New York from Chicago. So you are driving since morning and it is night now. You have managed to travel to an unknown location using maps, and now, your battery has run out.

The main road shows two directions; you are unaware of which road to choose; moreover, you find no one to ask about it. You spent hours searching for the road leading to New York. After taking efforts, you find a shop that you halted at when you visited New York before.

Finally, you gain the battery for your mobile and get to seek proper guidance.

Imagine yet another situation

You are all set to go into a marriage with your family. It is a night when you are driving on a rough road. You choose one of the two roads leading to different destinations.

The path unknowingly chosen by you is lifeless. Suddenly, the headlights lead you to a way that can be hardly seen and you immediately apply brakes. All of a sudden, you find out that you are saved falling into a dike. A meter more if your car had moved, your whole family would have fallen into a car.

We do not consider enough of the impact of signboards. However, the above cases show how can a world without signboards lead you into trouble.

In the first case, a labeled market where every shop and street is named would not allow you to keep in dilemma. Moreover, a no parking sign would have helped you accommodate your car better.

The second situation could have been hassle-free if the directions pointed to NY signs. The last situation would not have appeared if a signboard giving directions would have helped. Moreover, the ‘Danger Zone’ sign would have allowed safeguarding the family.

The Life-easing Signboards

From traveling to advertisements; you find streets loaded with different types of signboards. They help us to make our life simple by guiding us for many things.

Are you aware of the fact that signboards were gifted to us by the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks; though the commercial use was initiated by the Chinese?

Initially, the signboards were made using stones and wood. Slowly and gradually technology advancement occurred and Custom Neon signs took over the standardized signboards.

Role of Neon Signs Board

As you saw before a few situations where signboards could be of great help, now let us look at the different roles of Signboard:

  • Names your property

Finding your house or office is not a hard task when a name or label in your name is attached to the entrance.

  • Mentors the way

It acts as a navigator – both on roads and in certain places, like museums, parks, exhibitions, zoos, galleries, and other visitor attractions.

  • A piece of identification

Room number, floor number, restrooms, and other such places are identified easily with the use of signboards.

  • Safety & Regulatory

You need to abide by the safety and regulations in some places. Signboards help in that case.

  • Persuasion

Signboards help in promoting your company and its products.

  • Information desk

In many places, signboards provide information about certain services and facilities.

Closing note

So, it can be concluded signboards have become an integral part of our daily lives and it is hard to think about a life without it.

Published by
Gaurav Malhotra

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