Fix Upside-Down PDF Pages
To fix Fix Upside-Down PDF using an online tool. Perhaps all people who have a computer know what a Portable Document Format (PDF) is. After all, PDF is one of the most popular file formats in this day and age. That’s because it’s no hassle to create, and it can be shared and opened on various devices. You won’t also have problems with storage space when you have a PDF since it’s small in size.
The only problem with PDFs that many users complain about is when the pages come out upside down after scanning. Although it doesn’t occur all the time, it will surely be a good thing to talk about this problem and look for a solution to fix it.
To that end, I introduce you to an online tool that can rotate upturned PDF pages to their ideal orientation. It’s called the PDFBear Rotate Tool. Read on below to discover more about this tool and how to use it.
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True, various online tools out there allow you to edit the incorrect orientation of PDF pages. But, when you separate the best from the rest, PDFBear will surely come on top. Here are some of the pros of using the PDFBear to rotate PDF pages.
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Your problem with disorientated PDF pages will be over when you start using the PDFBear tool. Many people are using this web-based software today. If you want to learn how to use the PDFBear Rotate Tool, just take note of this process below.
Pick a web-browser of your choice; click it open, and navigate to If you’re already on the website’s homepage, locate the Rotate PDF icon and click on it.
Upload the PDF You Want to Edit
Once you click the Rotate PDF tool, it will bring you to a new page on the site where you can find the Select Files icon. Hit that icon to begin uploading the file you want to rotate.
Now that your PDF file is on the website, you can now proceed with the editing. On the screen, you can see which pages are not in their correct angles. Click those pages and rotate them by clicking the clockwise or counterclockwise arrows.
Before saving the new PDF file, you should see to it that all pages are now in their proper angles. Then, click the Apply Changes button if they’re good for saving already.
If you’re finished setting the upturned pages into their right orientation, it’s now time to download the file. After saving it, you can opt to share it with anyone or transfer it to other gadgets.
If the pages of your PDF file are upside-down, you can fix them by using the PDFBear Rotate tool. This tool is no hassle to use, and it’s guaranteed that your PDF file won’t get shared or stolen by others.
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