link building
Social networking has become one of the very significant pillars of business, irrespective of its belonging to any particular vertical. As a result, the business has thought and carved its own ways of connecting to prospective customers through, Two major social networking sites that have really connected everyone across the globe are Facebook and Twitter.
Therefore, it is almost by a mandate that businesses today feel the need of leveraging these social network platforms to advertise their products and services. Online marketing domain that thrives on link building and other SEO strategies, by default, leverages both these platforms to generate more quality links. Hence, to achieve this activity, an enterprise has to hire a link building expert with knowledge of optimizing social networking sites.
First, let us understand how link building happens through Facebook. Though the approach for both these two platforms would be the same. One needs to understand the basic difference in working mechanisms between the two. For Facebook, you should follow the be below-mentioned steps.
1. Try to have a huge network of friends because that inspires the generation of links thereby, leading to more visitors to the website page. Explore the network of friends and invite through the secondary connections.
2. Create a Fan page about the business and invite friends to join in. Post in all possible ads, discounts, sales, and other stuff that would interest a buyer.
3. Attach your company blog feeds to your fan page so the blog posts get automatically updated to Facebook. One of the greatest criteria is to have interesting content on the blog, and that would dramatically increase the number of people reading and following the blog.
4. Use article teasers as a Facebook status update and encourage friends to read the article. Also, post photos that correlate to the article.
5. Post a fan page link to your own Facebook profile page in a way that it is visible to all. This would increase the chances of driving more visitors to the fan page. These look like seemingly simple steps but keeping all these best practices in mind and accomplishing them all calls for an in-depth understanding of how online networking works. It is, therefore, best to hire a link builder to do the task.
For Twitter, the best practices are a little different. This increases the challenge of a link building specialist because the mechanics of optimizing in different mediums are absolutely different even though the approach can be the same.
1. Make your tweets interesting and regular so that more and more people are keen to follow them.
2. Share your blogs, articles, write-ups with your followers, and these can be easily done through applications and plugins that automatically tweet the title of the write-ups.
3. Integrate Tweet later to re-tweet the best blogs and posts almost after a gap of the fortnight. This has the potential of attracting fresh visitors.
4. Follow and encourage the practice of re-tweeting using “Pls RT”.
5. Encourage guest blogging to generate links to your site because this practice makes it simple for you to reach a new number of people accessible on Twitter.
6. Provide backlinks because this encourages more and more interaction.
The key to optimizing and leverage Twitter lies in establishing a close connection with those who are connected to you through the page. Recommend people and the others will do the same to you. If you are managing the online marketing aspect, then it would be extremely wise to hire a link building expert.
As to really take the complete end to end management and related link generation in his hands. This is because only a dedicated resource will have the bandwidth to implement all the real practices and acknowledge the tactics that work the best for an enterprise.
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