Avoid Top SEO Mistakes

SEO mistakes: At one time or another, your website needs a redesign. While planning for a redesign, make sure you do not compromise the quality of the website, SEO, website security, organic traffic, and many such aspects.

On that end, the general mistake people tend to do while redesigning the website is to neglect the navigational structure and how promptly leverages SEO on the hierarchical navigation.

However, if you decide to completely redo the navigational part, be careful to concentrate on

SEO rankings the old website used to have, the time and energy you spent making it to the top. Make sure you do it flawlessly as you have spent much on this already.

In this article, we will discuss the SEO Mistakes to avoid during a website redesign to attain the same results as the old website.

How to rank in Google after a website redesign

To keep the rank in Google even after a website redesign. You should long before plan, design, and make the content ready, then the website development. But, the crucial factor above all these is website security.

If you own a bog or an e-commerce website then you need an SSL Certificate. Many providers will help you with cheap SSL Certificates. Before buying one, make sure to compare each feature of the SSL certificate to get the best value.

If you can get the best experience with cheap SSL Certificates then spending a lot to buy other certificates. Other certificates are costly when compared to a cheap SSL Certificate. As the name suggests that a cheap SSL Certificate is low only in cost but not in the level of security it provides. These provide the best website security.

So, if you are considering redesigning your website, then SSL certification and using cheap SSL Certificates are the basic requirements. Now, let us see a few more SEO mistakes to avoid while website redesigning.

Redesigning Without Agenda

It is obvious that if you are thinking to redesign your website, you just thought of something. Like how should the website look? Etc.

Do not jump into redesigning without having proper agendas. The primary goals and objectives for this new website should be to generate new sales leads and a rich content user experience. Always make sure that the visitors should spend some time on your website for driving more traffic.

Apart from the premium content creation, sharing on social media platforms is also equally important as creates buzz about your brand or the website in the industry.

Make sure to discuss the core features like the components of the new website, what are the target audience, how to improve sales, improve organic traffic, and many more.

Improper Use of Redirects

While redesigning the new website, redirects play a vital role if you have to change the URL.

Redirects will command search engines where to find content that is no longer available on a specific website.

The most common SEO mistake people often make when redesigning the website is error number 302 (temporary) redirects. Also sometimes error number 301 (permanent) redirects to the wrong page.

No Sitemap

A sitemap shows the URLs for the website and favors the Search Engines to understand your website. Therefore, every website should submit a sitemap to search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

However, these sitemaps are submitted through the respective search engine’s webmaster tools feature.

Not Using HTTPS

As we all know, Google has made it a must that all search engines include HTTPS. Wrong SEO practices lead to website deterioration. Bad security practices are detrimental.

Search Engines will, however, remove your website from their index if the website has been attacked or is prone to any cyber threats. Always make sure your CMS has strong security to avoid this kind of black-listing. For this HTTPS, go for an SSL Certification.

No Proper Keyword Planning

The main reason we take care of keywords is that we should be found on Google or any other search engine. The amount of hard work that goes into deciding on the topic, the creation of the content, planning the keywords, and on-page and off-page SEO.

Keyword research should be made thoroughly made to attract visitors. Remember, the keywords should reflect your needs and also think from the customer’s point of view.

Always use key phrases that say about the content or the topic. Relate the keywords to the topic and gently weave the words that make the audience easily understand. Moreover, keyword research has an impact on SEO to a great extent. With the help of the keyword list, you should optimize the following attributes URL, Title, Meta description, Meta tags, body, images, internal and external links, and also short videos.

You can also use a keyword planner for more ideas on SEO keywords research, Optimization, and content development. You can easily target the audience with the right choice of keywords and thus improve the traffic rate of the website.

The Takeaway

In all the above discussions, the main intention is to redesign the website without affecting the SEO of that website.

Now that you have known that these are the critical attributes you should avoid while website redesigning. However, it may take some time to get back to normal Google ranking but keep trying.

These SEO strategies will help you to keep consistent in Google Search Page Results. If you have the latest tricks and tips, do share them with us, and we will update you here.

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