Flyboard is a brand-new tech in the United States. Everything is involved in flying the flyboard. With the help of a keyboard, you can fly like a bird in the sky. It’s a real innovation that was invented just in 2011. So many people are still not familiar with this thing. But now it’s becoming more & more popular all over the world. By using flyboard, you feel like a bird, you may fly wherever you want.
With this device, you may enjoy the real feel of a real fly. The core of this invention is very simple. The main feature of some flyboard is a water flow ejected by a jet ski.
To fly, you will need any jet ski with a power of at least 100 HP. A keyboard itself is just a board with jets & a long hose to pump water flows. As there are also boots mounted on a board that is fixed strongly to the rider’s legs.
The latest flyboard is divided into two sections. They can be rotated relative to one another & in this way, all the maneuvers are done. To control the power of flow & consequently the height of the flying there is a remote control system taken by the rider in his hand.
Some of you may have heard of Franky Zapata water jet fly board which has become a popular experience for many tourists or vacationers. It is a device that thrusts a person up to 29 feet or more in the air via a hose connected to the motor of the Jet Ski.
French Jet Ski champion has just unveiled an even crazier invention. Last weekend he released the first video that shows his new fly board air in action.
Instead of using a water jet, the air pierces of a jet turbine engine allow users to zoom untethered through the sky to a maximum height of 10,000 feet in 9 or 10 minutes.
In the video, the Zapata flies as high as 98 feet off the ground reaching a maximum speed/acceleration of thirty-four [34] miles per hour during his almost 5-minute flight. The Zapata daredevil cleverly tests his new device over the water as well as on land. Just in case engine failure sends them plummeting to the ground.
The Flyboard system has been invented quite recently. The author of this idea is Franky Zapata. It is ahead of Zapata racing company which is in the field of producing jet skis.
Moreover, there are even international competitions in flyboarding & it is probably may become soon of official kind of sport.
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The most important advantage of the keyboard is that it’s quite easy to get the hang of it for any complete newbie. Moreover, it is safe enough to fly. As prevention, a helmet & a life jacket are a must for flying boarding. You will be able to fly just after 10 or 15 minutes of practice.
According to the Zapata racing website, the independent propulsion unit can reach a top speed of 93.2 miles per hour which is terrifyingly impressive. As for all the thrill seekers out there, the air has been under development for about 4 years & is still in the prototyping phase.
However, it will give you enough time to start your Abs workout because this device will require core body strength, as to maintain your body balance.
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