internet outage
Have you ever faced an internet outage? If not, consider yourself very lucky but also a potential target of this type of event. In other words, internet outages can happen to anyone. So it’s vital to take some time and find the most successful way of handling a situation like this.
Nowadays, companies are being more aware of all the damage one internet outage can cost. So they’re increasingly investing in numerous prevention measurements. After all, investing in prevention is nothing compared to an enormous amount of money you will lose if an internet outage occurs in your company.
Those businesses that rely on the Internet for the majority of their activities should have invested in some of these solutions years ago.
If your company is among those depending on the Internet to survive and make a profit, it’s time to take a look at ways you can protect your business from all the possible damage you could experience when internet outage happens.
These prevention ideas all cost from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. But when you face an internet outage, the damage is often estimated around several million dollars. So, to save your money, start thinking about securing your company right away!
What causes Internet outages
The best way to avoid most common consequences of an internet outage, such as losing revenue, customers and your reputation, is actually to prevent the outage from happening.
There are plenty of failures that are not caused by major disasters which are not under your control. But, many internet outages happen due to things you could have prevented. So, start collecting and analyzing machine, log, power, data usage and cost, your performance and resource consumption.
Then, you will be able to apply predictive analysis by running scenarios against your data to determine when these outages are likely to happen and why.
Using such detailed information to get to the root of unexpected results can help you fix and test your weaknesses before they even turn against you. Accurate predictions help companies plan strategically and have control over possible outcomes.
You probably have so much data that it’s difficult to decide what to analyze, but your data is vital when talking about prevention of the internet outage in your company. You should focus on the performance instead of machine utilization.
In other words, it’s crucial that you understand how, when and why customers visit our website. Moreover, how they actually expect your website to perform.
Analyze the actual end-user experience and expectations. Also, analyze the latency and response time to see an actual statistical picture of that experience.
Don’t forget to analyze workload transaction and application performance to get the idea of how much utilization is service activity when compared to waiting for resources. That’s when you’ll be able to make adjustments that are essential to optimize for workloads and transaction that are oriented to end user.
You will need a good plan if you wish to ensure your company is as protected as possible from any possible threats, not just internet outages.
When thinking of your prevention measures and even steps you will take during an internet outage. It’s crucial that you consult and collaborate with all your business departments. Like – marketing, sales, operations to design and customer support.
When you’re planning any type of upgrade. You should include time and resources to perform simulations to understand. How it will perform to the end user while you’re experiencing the internet outage.
Of course, you can’t predict every possible situation and how it will affect your company, but planning helps you prepare more than anything else. Besides, you will be able to find alternatives for your customers if you understand what will fail if an internet outcome occurs.
Along with planning, testing is also one of the best ways to prepare for internet outage. Thorough and target testing can help you realize some of the unexpected incompatibilities, capacity issues, and glitches.
Testing before an internet outage occurs can even improve your systems. So well that they will be well protected from this type of event. Overlooking the importance of testing can lead to public embarrassment and reputation damage.
There’s no need to say that it’s really hard to recover from that! All of it can easily be avoided if you take some time. Moreover, think about ways you can protect your business from all the consequences an internet outage could bring to you.
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