How To

Bring It Back App Review, Features, Working, Add People

Bring It Back App

We all live in a busy world where there is no time for anything. So obviously the chances of forgetting about the lending as well as borrowed items are very high. The solution to such problems is to Bring It Back!

This solution is available on both Android as well as iOS platforms.

Here we are reviewing its Android version.

Why did we choose BIB?

The application would be a great asset for those who are forgetting about lending or borrowed items. Sometimes it would be some valuable documents, materials etc. that we forget to return/take back which may change our lives forever.

The application will help you to remember the materials or the items you should return or get back in a stipulated time frame.

Features of BiB!

To know the features of this app please go through the following points:

  1. Install the application from the Google Play Store.
  2. Sign up with email, Facebook, and Google Plus.
  3. Then a Home Screen with options and settings as well as a notification bar is visible at the two top corners of the screen.
  1. Lend Something: It is used to save the data about the lending items. It includes the Borrower’s name, Item/Description, Return date, and Reminder date and there is a provision for taking photos of the lending items.

Lending option

  1. Transactions: This option helps us to know about our transactions regarding lending as well as borrowed items. It will be the list of transaction items.

Transaction option

My Connections: The final option is used to add/connect the people in the application.

How to add people

  1. As I already mentioned to you about the Notification bar and Settings icon on the home screen, Notification bar implies recent notifications from the application regarding the due date, return date and so on.
  2. At the same time in settings options there is an option for personalization of application, tell a friend option, how to use the application and so on.

Settings Page bring it back

How does Bring It Back work?

  1. Lenders have to pay $1.99 as a one-time payment to track the details of items given as lend.
  2. Only lenders have to pay this small amount while borrowers can use this app for free.
  3. But if they are lending any items apart from borrowing they have to pay the same as mentioned earlier. 


  1. Perfect application to avoid chances of forgetting the lending as well as borrowed items.
  2. User-friendly.


  1. Not free. A one-time payment of $1.99 is to be paid for using the app.
  2. We can save the details of either lending or borrowed items of those who are using the application.


For those who are willing to pay $1.99 as a one-time investment would be a perfect application for them. It will help them to avoid big losses by forgetting to return the item as well as taking back the lent item.


Published by
Gaurav Malhotra